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Meeting with the Chief Commissioner of Central Excise & Customs on 06.11.2015

Com Prabodh S, President, AICEIA Kerala Circle & Com Visakh D, Thiruvananthapuram Unit Secretary met Shri Vinod Kumar, Chief Commissioner in Thiruvananthapuram during his visit to Thiruvananthapuram Commissionerate. The following issues affecting the cadre of Inspectors were discussed with the Chief Commissioner,
  1. The issue of cadre controlling authority.
In light of the CBEC instruction mandating that the cadre controlling function is to be exercised by the Chief Commissioners office and not by any subordinate Commissioner, we requested that the instruction of CBEC be implemented, as the members of the Association are facing hardship over having the cadre controlling being executed by subordinate Commissioner. The Chief Commissioner though agreed in principle to this point, informed that he is holding additional charge of the Zone. We handed over our representation to the Chief Commissioner on this regard. We also informed him of instances of victimisation of office bearers and that administration is not replying to the representation on these issues though 6 months have passed.
  1. Filling up of vacancy of Tax Assistants
We informed the Chief Commissioner of the long pendency of the claims submitted by officers and Inspectors forced to work in administration due to lack of sufficient Ministerial cadre officers. We also apprised him that the administration is at fault by not properly reporting the vacancy, the evidence of which is there in the vacancy position reported from this Zone (available in the CBEC website). The Chief Commissioner informed that since the vacancy cannot be revised, necessary steps would be taken to ensure properly reporting the vacancy for forthcoming years. The Association also demanded that enquiry be initiated to find the reasons for such under reporting and also informed him that excess reporting of vacancies for the year 2012 cannot be considered as a reason for not reporting the vacancies subsequently. We also requested that compassionate appointment be considered to fill up the Group C vacancies.
  1. Vacancies in the cadre of Inspector.
The issue of vacancies in Inspector cadre was brought to notice of the Chief Commissioner. We informed him that the vacancies in Kerala Zone are due to non availability of sufficient Ministerial cadre officers to fill up the promotion quota and not due to cadre restructuring or Inter Zonal Transfers. We also presented the necessary statistics to this effect. In light of the CBEC requesting proposals for one time relaxation in the RR, we requested that the promote quota may be considered for direct recruitment as an one time measure to fill the vacancies. We had categorically also stated that , only those vacancies ought to be considered after protecting the interests of the present ministerial cadre officers. The Chief Commissioner requested us to take up this issue with the Ministry and all India perspective of the issue is also to be considered.
  1. Inter Zonal Transfer.
The issue of Inter Zonal transfer was brought to the notice as well. We informed him that the administration should not turn a blind eye to the suffering of the many members and that the huge pendency in the IZT application is because the administration failed to consider the transfer request on a phased manner. The apprehensions shared by the Chief Commissioner were, 1. Grievance of people who cannot be considered for IZT at the first instance 2. Staff shortage that would arise & 3. Whether there would be further court cases. To these issues the Association has replied that there can be a suitable policy adopted based on which process can be initiated. The vacancy in cadre of Inspectors is due to promotional quota and not due to Cadre restructuring like in other Zones and due to Inter Zonal Transfer. Whatever vacancies that would be caused by IZT would be filled up by CGL examination as evidenced from the experience of last few years. Moreover even if the process gets initiated, it would take sometime before the actual transfer order is issued. We assured that the members would not be approaching the CAT, as we ourselves are aware that this would be against the interest of the members.
The meeting lasted for nearly an hour. We thanked the Chief Commissioner for giving us ample time to discuss these issues. Though Chief Commissioner has stopped short of giving any assurance on most of the issues, we hope that necessary actions would be taken.

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