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The view of AICEIA, Kerala Circle regarding the amendment of the Recruitment Rules (RR)

The fact that Inspector of Central Excise is one of the cadres functioning under Union Government which has huge disparity in chances for promotion across Zones is well known to everyone concerned. The recent amendment proposed to the cadre of the Inspector of Central Excise has to be seen and examined in light of the said background and any amendment to RR’s has to be seen on a long term perspective and in addition to administrative reasons involved it should improve the career opportunities of the officers.
The statistics of the promotion would reveal the same.
Joining Year/ Promotion Year as Inspector for which promotion is happening at present for the General Category

It may be noted that in few Zones like Benguluru, Surat etc the Inspectors are not getting promoted to the cadre of Superintendent, as they have not completed the minimum qualifying service in the cadre of Inspector. The Association is not against any move that helps any officer in the department, however it should be ensured that all the officers are benefitted by such a move.
The Association has been consistently demanding implementation of All India Seniority list in the cadre of Inspectors for a long period. The Association has clearly produced all the facts before the authorities as to why we demand it and that this is the only solution to many issues that we face including the regional disparity in promotion. It may be noted that as per Combined Graduate Level Examination notification, all the post carry All India Service liability. It may be noted that though the candidates are informed that the post carry All India Service liability, they are restricted for transfer and promotion in the Zone to which they have allocated i.e., they are following the practice of Zonal promotion though All India Examination is held and common merit list is drawn. The present RR does not take into account the all India service liability laid down in the notification of the Combined Graduate Level Examination. The Recruitment Rule also fails to address the situation of the merit list being distorted by regional /zonal promotion.

The Draft Recruitment Rule also failed to include the key recommendations made by the Tax Administrative Reforms Committee headed by Shri Parthasarathi Shome and that of different pay commissions. The 6th Central Pay Commission in Chapter 6.3 observes that ‘Employees are the most important asset of any organization. This holds true in case of Government employees as well and a holistic treatment with opportunity to grow and develop their potential in Government has to be heralded for them’...... Incentivising and rewarding innovation, creativity and responsive administration with inclusive outcomes on the part of employees have to be at the core of the new growth in productivity of services’. Similarly in Para 6.3.11 the 6th CPC observes the following, ‘Government employees have to be motivated to take pride in public service. Holistic job design with high performance work practices, multi-skilled work and greater employee engagement in the decision making process is central to employee motivation..... Measures like fast track promotions through limited departmental competitive examinations will motivate the employees towards lifelong learning and equip them to meet changing work place requirements. Recommendations have been made for training as a means of actualizing lifelong learning and upgrading of competencies.’
In chapter IV.3.c of the Ist Report of the Tax Administrative Reforms Committee, the Parthasarthi Shome panel had recommended that In view of the inability of the current HR process to recognize and reward merit, there is also a need for providing the right opportunity to junior officers joining Group C cadres either by direct recruitment or promotion, to move on a fast track on the basis of intelligence and ability. One way of doing this will be to earmark 33 per cent of promotional vacancies in the cadre of the ITOs in income tax, and appraisers and superintendents in customs and excise, to be filled by a limited departmental competitive examination for inspectors, tax assistants, etc., who would be eligible to sit for the examination after 5 years. The examination should test the candidates’ abilities and knowledge in related areas like tax and business laws, accountancy, departmental processes, ICT familiarity and communication. Similarly, a part of the promotion quota for the IRS could also be filled by limited departmental competitive examinations at a higher level than the examination for inspectors, etc., open to the feeder cadres in the respective services. This will provide a fast track for meritorious candidates, create an incentive to perform and improve the quality of people in these crucial cadres. It is, after all, officers in these grades that the tax payer most frequently has to interact with and the quality of their performance has a decisive impact on perception about the organization’s performance. The regional training institutes should also conduct coaching for employees sitting for the examination’.
Motivating the employees and rewarding them for their performance is critical for excellent performance. The Association had also passed resolution in Conventions and Central Executive Committee meetings to implement the limited departmental competitive examination (LDCE) so that avenue would be opened for fast track promotion as well. The issue was taken up with DGHRD and had informed that the matter would be considered during the time of amendment of RR. This also does not find reflection. It may be noted that the LDCE exists for promotion for similar post in Central Government. Eg: Promotion from Inspector of Post to Superintendent of Post, Promotion from Sub-Inspector/ Inspector in CISF to Assistant Commandant, etc.
As mentioned earlier, the reduction in qualifying service would increase Zonal disparity in promotion and scuttles the seniority and merit of the rank list drawn by the Staff Selection Commission. Further, in future, the batchmates of some zones may become Group ‘A’ Officers and be posted in other zones. In such situation, it will definitely create a demoralising impact on those batchmates as well as senior batches who are not getting promotion just because of zonal disparity and are made to work under such persons. Hence in absence of All India Seniority, the seniors in the rank list to the said officer who is promoted should be compensated financially by Non-Functional Upgradation (NFU) of Grade Pay of Rs.4,800/- to all officers after completion of three years of service so that the officers are being compensated at least financially.

Our demands

  • The Recruitment Rule should also have provisions of All India seniority to be incorporated, which will remove the regional disparity in promotion.
  • The recommendation of various committees on Limited Departmental Competitive Examination (LDCE) be included in the RR to give fast track promotion.
  • In the event of All India seniority regime not being implemented, Non-Functional Upgradation (NFU) be given to officers so that at least the pay parity would exist between junior and senior.   
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