Dear Comrades,
The Central Executive Committee
meeting of AICEIA was held on 25th and 26th of September
2015 in Ahamedabad. I had participated in capacity of President, AICEIA, Kerala
Circle in the Central Executive Committee.
The meeting deliberated on various issues plaguing the cadre and the
department. Except one point, ie the regional recruitment of Group C staff, the
rest of the points sponsored by the Kerala Zone has been well accepted and
appreciated. The meeting had participation from 14 different Zones of CBEC. Except
certain points, unanimous decision was arrived at by the CEC. The details of
the points sponsored would be updated in the national blog. The CEC has
reiterated its decision to pursue All India Seniority and promotion as the
means to address the Inter Zonal disparity in promotion. Any decision on the
reduction of the residency period would be acceptable only after the Inter
Zonal disparity in promotion is addressed. The post of Joint Secretary had
fallen vacant by promotion of the office bearer. The CEC has co-opted Com. Alok
Kumar Shukla, Meerut Zone as the Joint
Secretary (North) till the next Convention. Shillong Zone expressed willingness
to host the next CEC meeting and the same was accepted by the CEC.
The various Zones also outlined
the various welfare activities undertaken by them including provision of
crèches, gyms and other amenities. It is felt that there is a lot of room for
improvement in that regard in Kochi Zone. It is requested to all the members to
express the views on the welfare activities that they would like the
Association to pursue.
Prabodh S