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Hon’ble CAT, Ernakulam Bench has directed the Department to forward the Inter Zonal Commissionerate Application requests in a fair and equitable manner

Vide our letter AICEIA/GS/29/2016 dated 18.3.2016, we had taken up with the Chief Commissioner the anomalies regarding forwarding of Inter Zonal Transfer application requests in the Kochi Zone.  Our concerns on the norms followed and scuttling of seniority was raised with the Chief Commissioner.  However no decision was taken by the authorities to rectify the anomalies pointed out by the Association.  Aggrieved by the decision, a few of the members approached the Hon’ble CAT, Ernakulam Bench against the decision which was viewed by us as arbitrary.  Now the Hon’ble CAT has passed the judgement against the decision made with candid remarks.  The extract of relevant portion of the judgement is as reproduced below:

“18. The respondents on the other hand have taken refuge in the argument that the right to transfer an employee is a right bestowed upon the office.  While none has refuted this, this right has to be exercised in a transparent/objective manner without any discrimination assigned.  This cardinal principle does not appear to have been adhered to in this case. Argument of large number of vacancies standing in the way of recommending personnel does not hold out in view of fourteen relatively junior people having been favoured with NOC.  Viewed from this perspective, we have no hesitation in stating that respondent no. 3 has not acted in a fair and equitable manner in this case.  An opaque system of selection in such cases is a sure recipe for disaffection in any organisation.  We would direct that a system urgently be put in place to deal with ICT requests.  It has been pointed out that a large number of requests are pending.  The respondent nos 3 & 4 should immediately put together a set of guidelines clearly delineating eligibility norms, giving due weightage to various components such as seniority. Henceforth, this should act as a guide in deciding whose cases may be recommended and whose cannot be.  Future orders on NOC requests will be strictly on the basis of such norms.  The Tribunal on its first hearing dated 08.04.2016 had stayed further action on the list of fourteen persons whose transfer has been recommended by Respondent No 3 to Respondent No 4

It is ordered that their case will also be considered only in line with the proposed system to be put into operation. Although this is not one of the prayers made in the OA, it is necessary to order the above in the interest of equitable treatment.

The Association had all along held that approaching judicial forum would only delay the process.  However the officers were forced to approach CAT as the decision was arbitrary and hampering the general interest of the cadre.  Now even physically challenged candidates and candidates with medical issues are affected by the stay made by the CAT. 

Further the transfer of all the 14 applicants, whose application has been favourably considered by the authorities has been stayed and those applications are to be considered only on the basis of the guidelines to be farmed.  This situation would not have occurred had a just decision been taken by the authorities.  The Association was questioned on the stand taken by certain non-members on this issue. The judgement of the CAT shows that the Association had taken the appropriate stand all along.  We believe this CAT judgement would help in bringing out transparent policy for IZT, which was consistently demanded by us.

In the past certain members had written to the Chief Commissioner against the stand taken by the Association, which had given them enough reasons to delay and take such arbitrary decisions.  Now we request the members not to fall into the devious plans of certain non-members and create further confusion on this issue.  We assure all the members that we would be taking up the issue with the authorities.

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